
Welcome to
Gryphon Images

Hello there!

We are delighted you're here!

We are Nature and Wildlife Photographers based in Fort Myers, Florida. We've had the opportunity to travel to some 'wild places' and capture images of 'wild things' around the World and right here in our home state

Sometimes we get the best photo-ops "RIOBY" (Right In Our Own Back Yard).  And, getting to places from Tanzania to Canada's Hudson Bay, to The Galapagos to Cuba gives us opportunities to expand our experiences and share a wide selection of interesting images with you here..

Interested in purchasing an image you see here? Please use the link below to contact us and let us know.

Ben and Rita Griffin

Featured Galleries

These Galleries showcase some of our photography from far-flung places and right at home.
For more photo galleries, please use the 'MORE" drop-down in the navigation bar at the top of this Home Page.
Its MINE Boattailed Grackle with Acorn WildBlue Preserve jpg

WildBlue WildLife

We live in a community called WildBlue in Lee County, Florida. It is a unique ecosystem built on the site of a former limestone quarry. With a couple hundred acres of protected preserve behind our house there is an almost daily opportunity to photography wildlife.
Fishing Hard in WB Canal jpg

Florida Birds

Living in Florida gives us endless opportunities to photograph birds, particularly in winter. From our backyard to everywhere in the state, here's a gallery of Florida Birds
Polar Bear  Portrait  Seal River Lodge jpg

Polar Bear Adventure - Churchill Wild 2024

Our Dual Lodge Polar Bear Safari with Churchill Wild on the Hudson Bay gave us an opportunity to capture lots of wildlife and "Walk With The Polar Bears"1
Lion Cub on Serengeti jpg

African Photo Safari

It is said that an African Safari changes you... Our photo safari to Tanzania, The Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater created many life changing experiences and memories.
Oxbow Bend Reflection Color GTNPjpg

Grand Tetons National Park

The grandeur of Grand Tetons National Park is difficult to 'overstate'. From sweeping mountain vistas to abundant wildlife to it's history of the West, GTNP has been a must-do for photographers since Ansel Adams!
Eclipse Event Hopkinsville Kentucky

Eclipse - Twice In a Lifetime

A 'Diamond Ring' image from the 2017Total Eclipse in Hopkinsville, KY. Images from Dallas (2024) and Hopkinsville (2017) in this Gallery
Galapagos  Kicker Rock

Galagapos Islands

The Galagapos Islands are an authentically unique place on the Planet. Ecuador has done an amazing job of stewardship to maintain and nurture the unique biodiversity of The Galagapos for future generations to appreciate and enjoy


A land of fire and ice… usually seems like more ice than fire although all the geothermal springs do kinda balance out the ice.
Butterfly Legends November jpeg


There is something about butterflies that is calming in their gentle beauty. Photographing them, particularly in a ‘Butterfly House’ requires moving carefully and caalmly…. very different from more active BIF (Birds-In-Flight) work.


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